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A Cable represents a Physics Constraint which joins two Actors with a rope-like visual representation between them.

This class can only be spawned on 🟦 Server side.
This class shares methods and events from Base Entity, Base Actor, Base Paintable.

HELIX Cables are composed primarily of two Unreal Engine components: a Cable and a PhysicsConstraint. The first is used for visual purposes only and the second one gives the effective physical effects that are applied to each end of the Cable.


Cable visuals can be tweaked with :SetForces(), :SetCableSettings() and :SetRenderingSettings() methods. Those methods don’t have effect on the physics being applied and only have effects on the visual representation.

Cable physics can be tweaked with :SetAngularLimits() and :SetLinearLimits().

After attaching the two sides of your cable, the physics can be tweaked to affect how the constraint will affect the objects.


Cables are automatically destroyed when one of the sides are detached


local my_cable = Cable(Vector())
local cube_01 = Prop(Vector(100, 100, 100), Rotator(), "helix::SM_Cube")
local cube_02 = Prop(Vector(200, 0, 100), Rotator(), "helix::SM_Cube")



Default Constructor​

local my_cable = Cable(location, enable_visuals?)
booleanenable_visualstrueToggles the cable visuals

Static Functions​

Inherited Entity Static Functions
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
table of Base EntityGetAllReturns a table containing all Entities of the class this is called on
Base EntityGetByIndexReturns a specific Entity of this class at an index
integerGetCountReturns how many Entities of this class exist
iteratorGetPairsReturns an iterator with all Entities of this class to be used with pairs()
tableInheritInherits this class with the Inheriting System
table of tableGetInheritedClassesGets a list of all directly inherited classes from this Class created with the Inheriting System
table or nilGetParentClassGets the parent class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
booleanIsChildOfGets if this Class is child of another class if this Class was created with the Inheriting System
functionSubscribeSubscribes to an Event for all entities of this Class
functionSubscribeRemoteSubscribes to a custom event called from server
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Class within this Package, or only the callback passed
This entity doesn't have own static functions.


Inherited Entity Functions
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
integerGetIDGets the universal network ID of this Entity (same on both client and server)
tableGetClassGets the class of this entity
booleanIsARecursively checks if this entity is inherited from a Class
functionSubscribeSubscribes to an Event on this specific entity
functionSubscribeRemoteSubscribes to a custom event called from server on this specific entity
UnsubscribeUnsubscribes all callbacks from this Event in this Entity within this Package, or only the callback passed
SetValueSets a Value in this Entity
anyGetValueGets a Value stored on this Entity at the given key
DestroyDestroys this Entity
booleanIsValidReturns true if this Entity is valid (i.e. wasn't destroyed and points to a valid Entity)
CallRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity to a specific Player
CallRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity
BroadcastRemoteEventCalls a custom remote event directly on this entity to all Players
Inherited Actor Functions
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
AddImpulseApplies a force in world world to this Actor
AttachToAttaches this Actor to any other Actor, optionally at a specific bone
DetachDetaches this Actor from AttachedTo Actor
SetCollisionSets this Actor's collision type
SetDimensionSets this Actor's Dimension
SetForceAdds a permanent force to this Actor, set to Vector(0, 0, 0) to cancel
SetGravityEnabledSets whether gravity is enabled on this Actor
SetVisibilitySets whether the actor is visible or not
SetHighlightEnabledSets whether the highlight is enabled on this Actor, and which highlight index to use
SetOutlineEnabledSets whether the outline is enabled on this Actor, and which outline index to use
SetLifeSpanSets the time (in seconds) before this Actor is destroyed. After this time has passed, the actor will be automatically destroyed.
SetLocationSets this Actor's location in the game world
SetRotationSets this Actor's rotation in the game world
SetRelativeLocationSets this Actor's relative location in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetRelativeRotationSets this Actor's relative rotation in local space (only if this actor is attached)
SetScaleSets this Actor's scale
SetNetworkAuthoritySets the Player to have network authority over this Actor
SetNetworkAuthorityAutoDistributedSets if this Actor will auto distribute the network authority between players
TranslateToSmoothly moves this actor to a location over a certain time
RotateToSmoothly rotates this actor to an angle over a certain time
booleanIsBeingDestroyedReturns true if this Actor is being destroyed
booleanIsVisibleReturns true if this Actor is visible
booleanIsGravityEnabledReturns true if gravity is enabled on this Actor
booleanIsInWaterReturns true if this Actor is in water
booleanIsNetworkDistributedReturns true if this Actor is currently network distributed
table of Base ActorGetAttachedEntitiesGets all Actors attached to this Actor
Base Actor or nilGetAttachedToGets the Actor this Actor is attached to
tableGetBoundsGets this Actor's bounds
CollisionTypeGetCollisionGets this Actor's collision type
VectorGetLocationGets this Actor's location in the game world
VectorGetRelativeLocationGets this Actor's Relative Location if it's attached
Player or nilGetNetworkAuthorityGets this Actor's Network Authority Player
RotatorGetRotationGets this Actor's angle in the game world
RotatorGetRelativeRotationGets this Actor's Relative Rotation if it's attached
VectorGetForceGets this Actor's force (set by SetForce())
integerGetDimensionGets this Actor's dimension
booleanHasNetworkAuthorityReturns true if the local Player is currently the Network Authority of this Actor
booleanHasAuthorityGets if this Actor was spawned by the client side
VectorGetScaleGets this Actor's scale
VectorGetVelocityGets this Actor's current velocity
AddActorTagAdds an Unreal Actor Tag to this Actor
RemoveActorTagRemoves an Unreal Actor Tag from this Actor
table of stringGetActorTagsGets all Unreal Actor Tags on this Actor
booleanWasRecentlyRenderedGets if this Actor was recently rendered on screen
floatGetDistanceFromCameraGets the distance of this Actor from the Camera
floatGetScreenPercentageGets the percentage of this Actor size in the screen
Inherited Paintable Functions
Base Paintablescripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Paintable
SetMaterialSets the material at the specified index of this Actor
SetMaterialFromCanvasSets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a Canvas object
SetMaterialFromSceneCaptureSets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a SceneCapture object
SetMaterialFromWebUISets the material at the specified index of this Actor to a WebUI object
ResetMaterialResets the material from the specified index to the original one
SetMaterialColorParameterSets a Color parameter in this Actor's material
SetMaterialScalarParameterSets a Scalar parameter in this Actor's material
SetMaterialTextureParameterSets a texture parameter in this Actor's material to an image on disk
SetMaterialVectorParameterSets a Vector parameter in this Actor's material
SetPhysicalMaterialOverrides this Actor's Physical Material with a new one
AttachStartToAttached the beginning of this cable to another Actor at a specific bone or relative location
AttachEndToAttached the end of this cable to another Actor at a specific bone or relative location
DetachEndDetaches the End of this Cable
DetachStartDetaches the Start of this Cable
SetCableSettingsSet the overall settings for this cable (visuals only)
SetForcesSet the forces the cable has applied (visuals only)
SetAngularLimitsSets the Physics Angular Limits of this cable
SetLinearLimitsSets the Physics Linear Limits of this cable
SetRenderingSettingsSet the rendering settings of this cable (visuals only)
Base ActorGetAttachedStartToGets the Actor attached to Start
Base ActorGetAttachedEndToGets the Actor attached to End


Attached the beginning of this cable to another Actor at a specific bone or relative location

my_cable:AttachStartTo(other, relative_location?, bone_name?)
Base Actorother
Vectorrelative_location?Vector(0, 0, 0)


Attached the end of this cable to another Actor at a specific bone or relative location

my_cable:AttachEndTo(other, relative_location?, bone_name?)
Base Actorother
Vectorrelative_location?Vector(0, 0, 0)


Detaches the End of this Cable



Detaches the Start of this Cable



Set the overall settings for this cable (visuals only)

my_cable:SetCableSettings(length, num_segments, solver_iterations)
floatlengthRest length of the cable. Default is 100
integernum_segmentsHow many segments the cable has. Default is 10
integersolver_iterationsThe number of solver iterations controls how 'stiff' the cable is. Default is 0


Set the forces the cable has applied (visuals only)

my_cable:SetForces(force, gravity_scale?)
VectorforceForce vector (world space) applied to all particles in cable. Default is Vector(0, 0, 0)
floatgravity_scale?1Scaling applied to world gravity affecting this cable. Default is 1


Sets the Physics Angular Limits of this cable

my_cable:SetAngularLimits(swing_1_motion, swing_2_motion, twist_motion, swing_1_limit?, swing_2_limit?, twist_limit?)
ConstraintMotionswing_1_motionIndicates whether the Swing1 limit is used
ConstraintMotionswing_2_motionIndicates whether the Swing2 limit is used
ConstraintMotiontwist_motionIndicates whether the Twist limit is used
floatswing_1_limit?0Angle of movement along the XY plane. This defines the first symmetric angle of the cone
floatswing_2_limit?0Angle of movement along the XZ plane. This defines the second symmetric angle of the cone
floattwist_limit?0Symmetric angle of roll along the X-axis


Sets the Physics Linear Limits of this cable. If use_soft_constraint is enabled, then stiffness and damping will be used, otherwise restitution will be used.

my_cable:SetLinearLimits(x_motion, y_motion, z_motion, limit?, restitution?, use_soft_constraint?, stiffness?, damping?)
ConstraintMotionx_motionIndicates the linear constraint applied along the X-axis. Free implies no constraint at all. Locked implies no movement along X is allowed. Limited implies the distance in the joint along all active axes must be less than the Distance provided
ConstraintMotiony_motionIndicates the linear constraint applied along the Y-axis. Free implies no constraint at all. Locked implies no movement along Y is allowed. Limited implies the distance in the joint along all active axes must be less than the Distance provided
ConstraintMotionz_motionIndicates the linear constraint applied along theZX-axis. Free implies no constraint at all. Locked implies no movement along Z is allowed. Limited implies the distance in the joint along all active axes must be less than the Distance provided
floatlimit?0The distance allowed between between the two joint reference frames. Distance applies on all axes enabled (one axis means line, two axes implies circle, three axes implies sphere)
floatrestitution?0Controls the amount of bounce when the constraint is violated. A restitution value of 1 will bounce back with the same velocity the limit was hit. A value of 0 will stop dead
booleanuse_soft_constraint?falseWhether we want to use a soft constraint (spring)
floatstiffness?0Stiffness of the soft constraint. Only used when Soft Constraint is on
floatdamping?0Damping of the soft constraint. Only used when Soft Constraint is on


Set the rendering settings of this cable (visuals only)

my_cable:SetRenderingSettings(width, num_sides, tile_material)
floatwidthHow wide the cable geometry is. Default is 6
integernum_sidesNumber of sides of the cable geometry. Default is 4
integertile_materialHow many times to repeat the material along the length of the cable. Default is 1


Gets the Actor attached to Start

β€” Returns Base Actor (the Actor or nil).

local ret = my_cable:GetAttachedStartTo()


Gets the Actor attached to End

β€” Returns Base Actor (the Actor or nil).

local ret = my_cable:GetAttachedEndTo()


Inherited Entity Events
Base Entityscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Entity
SpawnTriggered when an Entity is spawned/created
DestroyTriggered when an Entity is destroyed
ValueChangeTriggered when an Entity has a value changed with :SetValue()
ClassRegisterTriggered when a new Class is registered with the Inheriting System
Inherited Actor Events
Base Actorscripting-reference/classes/base-classes/Actor
SpawnTriggered when an Entity is spawned/created
DestroyTriggered when an Entity is destroyed
ValueChangeTriggered when an Entity has a value changed with :SetValue()
ClassRegisterTriggered when a new Class is registered with the Inheriting System
This entity doesn't have own events.